
As the American entrepreneur Warren Buffett once said, “If you don’t understand jewelry, get to know the jeweler.” At Braggao, we want you to get to know us and also understand a term we commonly inquire about before selling a piece of jewelry: “Solid or hollow?”

Solid gold jewelry is durable and generally more expensive. The easiest way to distinguish these pieces is by their weight, radiant color, and brilliance. They have a long lifespan and do not tarnish over time, making them suitable for everyday wear.

On the contrary, hollow gold jewelry has an empty interior, making it much lighter and more affordable. These pieces are often thicker and more ornate, although they may wear out more quickly. We recommend handling them with care to keep them in good condition and avoiding pulling on them, as they may break.

Braggao offers both of the aforementioned options, both of which are excellent choices for purchase. Both styles represent fine jewelry of the highest quality, with certification.