
As is customary and a tradition in Mexico, every year on May 10th is the celebration for Mother’s Day, and it’s very common that on this day, restaurants in your city are fully booked or there are many promotions for gift purchases. It’s a day to honor the women who gave us life and who continue to shower us with their love, regardless of our age.

If you’re a man and have no idea what to gift your mom, at Braggao, we offer you some jewelry ideas that you can give, and it will surely be something she’ll love and a special gift.


One of the most inherently feminine pieces of jewelry is rings—elegant, delicate, and flattering to the hands of the wearer.


If you had considered this option, we have a selection of diamond earrings that will suit her perfectly and show how much you love her.


An accessory that never fails in gifts is necklaces, and at Braggao, we have different thicknesses. The thinner ones are usually suitable for women’s necks.


Of course, charms are the perfect complement to accompany the gift of a necklace. We have some that your mom might like, such as the initial of her name.


Bracelets are among the most sought-after gifts as they are an everyday piece, versatile, and therefore an ideal gift for our mothers so that every time they see it, they remember how important they are. At Braggao, we have some options that your mom might like.

If after reading this article you still haven’t found the piece you’re looking for, we invite you to continue browsing our website. We assure you that you will discover something your mom will love, making that day the best.