
Halloween, also known as the Night of Witches in spanish, is a celebration held on October 31st. Although this celebration did not originate in the United States, it is in this country where it has been widely celebrated for years, turning it into a cultural icon that has also been adopted by other countries, including Mexico.

On that night, the streets of cities are filled with children dressed as monsters or their favorite characters, going from house to house asking for candies. They often use a pumpkin as a bag to carry the candies, as it is the most iconic element of Halloween.

It is also common for houses, shopping centers, parks, and offices to be decorated with objects alluding to horror movies and supernatural creatures such as vampires, witches, werewolves, and zombies.

Although it might be thought of as a celebration only for children, it is also widely enjoyed by adults. Many clubs in the city typically host Halloween parties where adults can also enjoy wearing slightly more daring costumes. That’s why in this article, we provide you with jewelry ideas that can add an extra touch to your costume.

If you like these ideas, we invite you to visit us at Braggao. We will be happy to assist you and bring your ideas to life.